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Ready for the New Golden Age and find out what your role is in the big plan of the Universe?

You're just one quick step away from it!


We are meant to RISE together as One.

To be the Change we want to see in this world.

And you are not in this alone!!

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3d book The Universe has a plan for you
What others are saying?
Felicity - find your soul purpose
Always feel so much love and support

I always love the courses and things Nanda puts out into this world. It resonates so much with me and I feel her love and support always. I'm curious about this new book

Soul Powers Harriet review
This is the next step in our evolution

After just one month Nanda has shown me my light and my personal connection to the Universe has improved tremendously. She is the one that could write this book, and translate the magic of the Universe to us. I am sure this book is the Next Step for all of us

Kirsten Jense review foto
We are all here with a special purpose

When I finally allowed myself to surrender and let go of my fear a whole new world opened up for me. These guiding texts will help you to surrender into your best version of yourself too."


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The Universe has a Plan for You
The Universe has a Plan for You × 1
Subtotal 17.00
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The Universe has a Plan for You
The Universe has a Plan for You × 1
Subtotal 17.00
Total 17.00

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