creating dreams Soul Purpose Soul Travel

These 5 words changed my life forever – hearing my spiritual calling

She said You are a Spiritual Teacher and I knew it in every cell of my body. These 5 words changed my life forever.

It was 2016 and it was in the  Summer right after I had finished publishing my first book. I watched an inspirational speech of Gabrielle Bernstein and towards the end of her talk she said: “You are a Spiritual Teacher! and if you feel these words resonate for you, I want you to stand up and follow your inner guidance. You are being called.” I felt it in every cell of my body, my crown CHAKRA was tingling and I had goosebumps all over…  I knew this calling was for me.

But I said to myself I wasn’t ready yet. First I needed to walk the talk. Another great advice from my personal Guru Gabby. In that one video she had planted the seed and I committed myself to make it grow and bloom until I felt ready. Here is the video training that has inspired me to believe in that I had a calling far greater than that I thought  I had.

I hope you will get the same or another inspiration from watching this video. I know it has something valuable for everyone. There is always a message in everything that you see or hear. It is up to you to decide what to do with it.

For me it was the decision to commit myself to walking the talk of my spiritual ideals.

For you it can be commit to your spiritual practice, to improve your teaching skills or to believe more in your higher calling. Whatever it is, you will KNOW.

Deeper knowing

Today I want to talk to you about a deeper knowing. The knowing that goes beyond your thoughts and your mental constructions, that goes beyond logic or the things you used to believe in…  It comes close to the ‘dreams you once had’ but are long forgotten or that you thought were never coming true. And sometimes it even goes beyond those dreams.

A deeper knowing is the Voice or your Soul, speaking to you. It can be like a whisper or a feeling or a bright vision of the Truth that is suddenly lit up in your mind(seye). You are being guided all the days of your life, but so subtle that you might not notice it. It sypels through your thoughts, in your intuition and the things that catch your eye. It sparks an idea and encourages you or takes you in a different direction. All of these signals are examples of deeper knowing. Yet the one I’m talking about is the sign that is so big you can’t deny it.

It completely challenges all the thoughts in your mind.

It goes deeper, wider and further than your imagination has ever taken you.

It is unknown, yet YOU KNOW IT SO WELL that it feels familiar.

Have you ever had such a feeling? So familiar that you just KNEW in every cell of your body that this message was meant for you?

Did you have to courage to follow that guidance, without thinking twice?

Are you so bold and courage’s that a SIGN that clear just steers you off the beaten path and you just Trust it?

I know I wasn’t that ready yet. I felt it and I knew it was true, yet diving in completely at the first Clear sign was a little too adventurous, even for me. So I decided to commit myself to one year of Walking the Talk before I entered her Life changing program the Spirit Junkie Masterclass. When I could prove to myself that I was committed enough to make it through that year, I was ready to take the training and really become the Spiritual Teacher I was called to be.

When do you listen to your calling?

What is the moment that you turn around and leave everything for what it was and just trust your inner guidance and follow your calling? Is it at the first big sign of Deeper Knowing? Or does it take time for you to grow into the idea that this calling is yours? Do you need affirmation from your environment or is your strong feeling of Truth enough to trust this is IT?

Everyone is different in these kinds of things. And it also depends how used you are in listing to your spiritual guidance? Are you the one that is asking your spirit guides every week what needs to be done and you trust that the little voice inside of you is telling you nothing but the truth? Or are you still a little shaky and hesitant about your inner voice and you need to test it first?

There is no judgement. Just some questions to let you think about how this is for you.

It is completely up to you WHEN you are going to listen to your inner calling. But I want to stress here that there is no way around it. The calling will keep calling you and it will get louder and louder, until you answer. It is THE reason why you came to this Earth and once you have heard you Calling the Universe is going to give you more and more signs to encourage you to take it. To go in the direction of your dreams, and make the purpose why you came to this earth a reality.

There is just no way around it.

So when you have felt a Calling lately that was so Clear that you can’t ignore it anymore, please promise yourself which step you are going to take to Listen to your Calling and make it a reality.

Share with me in the comments if you have ever had such an experience and if there is a Calling waiting for you to be answered.

When you had the same experience I had when listening to the words of Gabby and you feel inside that you are meant to be a Spiritual Teacher, please accept this free training to help you Awaken the Teacher inside. I will be more than happy to help you awaken your inner knowing and help you remember your Big Why. It is such a small step that anyone can take it. I encourage you to do it now. What and when you do after is totally and completely up to you.

Click here to get her 3 part FREE video training.

If you want to know more about the Spirit Junkie Masterclass click here

There is so much more I want to say about this experience and hope that it will serve so many more of you. Being a Teacher for the Next Generation is so much more important than you think. Click here to find out how I can help you step into your Teacher and create your first product. The New Generation Teacher training will be offered by me as a bonus when you enroll in the Spiritu Junkie Masterclass now.

Ps. I am a proud affiliate for Gabby’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital course. I deeply believe in her training and that she can take you to the next level, as she did for me. When you decide to join her course I might receive a referral fee as part of our affiliate agreement. Make sure you use the links in this email if you would like to sign up through my recommendation and let me know.

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