online business

Spiritual ways to make money – financial balance

How many times have you heard yourself think that it is not spiritual to ask for money when you give your spiritual service? There are so many people that are still earning way too little to be able to live from their spiritual work. That is how this world is valuing your work, but honestly. How valuable is the work we are doing together in creating the changes that we know are needed for this planet? Shouldn’t the bigger companies start to be paying us for the Great Work we do? Or are there other spiritual ways to make money. I believe there are many ways and in this blog I will reveal a few of my favorites.

Have you found your financial balance?

The first thing I need you to ask yourself, since you probably have been on your spiritual journey for a longer time now. In how many areas of your life do you experience balance? Does your education, your relationships, your work, your health all feel like you have come to a certain balance in your life? If you haven’t yet, don’t worry I will write a blog on spiritual balance soon. But in this one I would like to address the one balance that us spiritual hippies try to ignore. Financial balance!

Maybe that is just the case. Spiritual thoughts and beliefs come from the late 60’s – hippie time. When we all needed to LIVE on LOVE and just be Happy together. That has set the tone for the next generation to not attach any monetary value to our great spiritual work.

But I think that is a misconception that I would like to correct right here and now.

If you are one of those hippies that deep down inside believes it is not spiritual to ask for money, then repeat after me.

“I am doing the most important work the world is in real need of right now – helping in the changing the overall frequency of the energy on earth, that is supporting and holding us all safe. I’m choosing this path that no one has gone before and I’m putting myself out there in service to others. I deserve to be rewarded for my courage, my efforts and my service to the world.”

Now breathe in deeply and repeat. “I believe, I believe, I believe, I receive, I receive, I receive all that the Universe has in store for me. I am open to receive all the riches in any shape or form!!”

If you would like to see more on spiritual prayers and how they help to get you from poor to rich. Read this blog.

Now I would like to show you how you can start making money in spiritual ways that honor the financial balance. More on that later in the article. Keep reading if you want to see how you can make your financial balance more a reflection of your true value.

1. Share an experience with others

share your experienceThe easiest and most fun way to make money spiritually is to share a spiritual experience with others. That can be a meditation you enjoy, sing mantras together, or share a game that has helped you transform your life.

You can do this in the comfort of your own home and ask people to reward you with a donation or with an amount that you feel is according to the value. Now don’t say, $5 dollars is fine. You have put in your time and energy to find these new experiences and you are making the way clear for the people that are coming to you. So for that ease and the preparation alone you should charge over $20 dollars already. Than you can look at the benefits someone is going to get out of the experience and have them value that, or at least the first 3 people that come through your door. It will amaze you how much people would say if you ask them what the value was for them.

2. Organize a spiritual event

The second thing you can do is organize a spiritual event. This doesn’t have to be something for more then 50 people. It can just be for the people in your neighborhood and something that has to do with the full moon or new moon or another way to start or finish their week. Book clubs are very normal all over the world. So why not start up your own book club, spiritual women circles or full moon gatherings.

And if you think there are already to many of those kinds of circles. Ask yourself, are you part of any? Do you want to be?

Most likely the answers is no and yes you would like to have one. There are 40 – 60 % of spiritual people are like you. They would want to join a group or visit an event once in a while, but they were hoping to find some that are closer to home.

You can make that happen for them (and for you). Just imagine how rich your life would be if you are gathering with a lot more spiritual people in your neighborhood. I can assure you it will help you grow personally and you’ll have a reason to stay consistent in your spiritual practice too. Be an example to others, you are on this mission for a reason. Pay it forward!

Funny that they say Pay it forward, when nobody ever thinks about getting paid for their service. It is okay to invite people and ask for a donation for the efforts and the time you put in to your spiritual work. If you just see it as an energy exchange, it can lift up that heavy burden of it not being okay to ask for money.

3. Share great products and services that work for you

The next point I would like to make is that there are so many valuable products and services that can help people who are in a similar situation like you a few years ago. They are searching and trying out new things, not really sure what is good and what is not. So they end up spending a lot of time and money on this search.

What if you could make that search easier for them and share your own experiences with some products or services, so they don’t need to go through all the trouble of finding things out for themselves. You can recommend them to try a certain essential oil or redirect them to exactly the right gemstones, so they don’t need to be wandering around for too long. helping out - serving the customer

Now what would that be worth to you?

If someone would save you the time and money of testing out products and just give you the best option. Would you be interested to buy the products through the person that already had the great experience with it? I think you would.

That is the beauty of affiliate marketing business.

No, that is not a dirty word for making money of people to let them buy things they don’t need.

The opposite is true. It helps them filter out the good from the bad and you serve them with your honest oppinion and experience, to help them make a better choice in buying the product or service they were already interested in buying.

Now would it be spiritual, to share you honest opinion and share your review with others?

Would it be okay to earn a little percentage of the price they are paying at the online store they purchase it from? It is not coming out of their pocket, but the pocket of the company that is selling the products. So there is nothing dirty about that!

I just wanted to clear the air, because I know what you are thinking.

I was the same as you. Just scraping by, focusing on my spiritual coaching, session by session, hoping to find enough clients for the next month. I was sometimes earning some little bits and pieces of using spiritual ways to make money 1 and 2. But those were just not enough. I had to take my knowledge and expertise and use it in other ways if I could just find a way that is honest and transparent and was in alignment with my spiritual essence.

And I can vow for it. The business of online affiliate marketing really is something that is in full alignment with that.

I get to write about my passions and experiences, I have the freedom to do it from anywhere. I feel very much connected to my Soul when I’m writing, so it doesn’t get anymore Honest and Pure then this. Affiliate Marketing is very Pure and Honest.

You wouldn’t still be reading this if I was being dishonest to you or you felt like something was off.

In my opinion we can share our Spiritual work much faster and much more authentic through the internet. So it might not come as a surprise that the 4th spiritual way to make money is, build your own online business.

4. Build your own spiritual online business

I really love the process of creating my own spiritual online business.

– I get to write about what I love

– I get to help people find their path in their spiritual journey

– I can grow spiritually and step into my bigger Why

There is so much to figure out in this online world. It’s a lot like traveling. Before you go to a new country, you buy a travel guide or you are going with someone that already knows their way around. That’s what I did when I first started off, I found a travel group, that were like me explorers but also a lot more experienced travelers in the online business world. It helped me out so much, and the learning and growing process has been easy and fun because of this community. A very big plus when you ask me.

Learning something new can be just as exciting as going to a new country.

If you are just the slightest bit interested in learning new things and discovering how you can create your own little part of the internet, I suggest you give it a try.

You can have a 7-day free trial and set up your website and start to find your own specific niche. Before you make a final decision. You just feel if this is a good fit for you. And if it’s not, just feel free to make your own choices.

There are not enough spiritual businesses out there yet. And a lot more people are starting to look for that specific information and experience you have. They need you, the world needs you.

Think about it, you could make money sharing your spiritual experiences and stay very close to yourself.

Financial life in balance to be more of who you are

Imagine, what it will be like when you have your financial life in balance. financial balance with your spiritual work

In what bigger way could you serve the world? What parts of yourself could you express more easily and more freely?

The value that you bring to this earth can be reflected in your financial balance, there can be a true reflection. Letting your gift be seen and shared with the world and also leave you with more then you can spend, a salary that is resonating with your inner knowing of how much you are worth. The Universe is guiding you, when you open yourself up to receive the answers.

When you don’t need to focus on lack anymore and instead you could focus all of your energy on creating more and more beauty and good vibes in this world. How would the world around you benefit from that? Allow yourself to make a change in the world, while making your financial balance more a reflection of who you truly are.

The benefits of having your financial balance in place.

  • You can share you spiritual gift in a bigger way, without the boundaries of what seems possible.
  • There will be a lot more people you can serve when you have more financial power to invest in the things that you really need to expand your business.
  • You have the financial means to help out the projects and people that truly need your help. Your contribution is growing as you are growing.
  • You can start creating your dream and have the freedom to do it from anywhere in the world.

That is probably one of the best things about this business. It goes with you wherever you are, it changes and grows the way that you do and there is always a place where you can completely be yourself.

No matter what your starting point is. If you have a lot of experience in your spiritual work or when you are just starting out. If you are a fan of one specific type of healing or you bring your overview of all the different things that there are out in this world. It doesn’t matter in which area you would like to start out.

The only place you can start is Here. And the only moment you can start is Now. So there is no question anymore.

Financial balance can really give a very positive incentive to your spiritual service. Keep that in mind the next time you decide to set a price for the service you offer. If you have the gift to share your knowledge, don’t feel ashamed to use it.

The world is waiting for you

If you knew there are 1000 people waiting to hear from you and are searching for the solution to their problem. A problem or quest you have been on a couple of years ago but now have found your way through. Have you ever thought about what it was that you needed back then? How awesome it would have been if you had found a person that would have explained to you that “All is going to be alright”. “You are not alone in this.” “I know what you’re going through”.

What would this be worth to you?

I know that would have meant the world to me, when I was first struggling in the woods of this new spiritual world. All the changes in my life and all the questions I had. I had to find the answers myself and invest all so much of my money and time in finding everything out. If there had just been someone, a future self, that would have guided me a little. I would have been so much more ‘at ease’ in the changing process.

How much of your time and money could I have saved if I had only known a couple of people that were just a little ahead of me, showing me the roads to take and the road to avoid. I would have been so grateful and happy.

I know this sounds good. And I’m glad that I’ve found it now I’ve started my next adventure in discovering the online world.

Wealthy Affiliate it only costs $49 per month. They teach everything you need to know, give you the tools, have a step by step guidance program and also have the best experts that are ready to help you when it’s necessary. It’s worth so much more to me, to have this expertise, tools and technical support while building my online business. sparkle your light into the world

Honestly, I can’t wait to see you spreading your wisdom and your light around in your own unique way. To have your own piece of the internet with your personal message, going out to all the people in the world (billions and billions) that are within your reach with the internet. Imagine how many lives you can change and how your message can help those people that are where you were a few years ago. They are lost, they are searching for something only you have.

The world is waiting for you!!

Lots of love on your journey


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