The world around us is an interesting place. We look to others, have an opinion, and feel some things about them and about ourselves, to indicate where we are in relation to them. We find ourselves looking for answers outside of ourselves, comparing, etc to determine where we are on our path to success, or even who we are… (whether we are good enough). That’s how children are taught in school. Don’t follow your own inner compass, listen to the teacher. I’m here to tell you that You are the Teacher. You know best, and it’s time to start listening again to that inner guidance.
I need to share an experience of my Monday. I started at 10.00 to work on my computer, giving myself a hard time because I should have started at 9.00 with my meditation practice. Sitting there having no idea what to focus on (focus has been off these last few days) and I just started doing random things, making changes on my webpage and putting things into my webshop that should have been there already. Then I reminded myself that there was a list of 5 things that needed to be done that day, so I did 1 of them. Just to be able to check it off my list.
OMG … what an uninspired morning I had. The clock strikes 1… and I’m feeling even worse… “What have I actually done that was constructive. What would actually help me move this business when the time I have I’m not even productive and making things work…”
This inner dialogue continued… and was making me feel even worse. The list in my head of the things I should be doing according to M, D and X was growing. And I almost got into another course, where people could tell me what to do, how to run my biz, go through my day… AKA live my life. Looking outside myself for answers.
Then I went to have lunch… gave myself a break.
That pattern interrupt was enough… it inspired me to listen to this Abraham Hicks episode.
You can not find your path to your vibrational enlightenment by using someone else’s map. Abraham Hicks
This was exactly what I needed to hear.
The part after that was about when this ‘pattern’ of looking outside of yourself for the answers was evoked in school. I cried my eyeballs out. All the times that your teacher punished you for not listening, or being stubborn – you misunderstood this, making yourself doubt your inner guidance. Your trust in your inner guidance was weakened. And instead you started looking outside yourself for the answer, approval, achievements that were praised and all of that BS.
You will be able to guide yourself to enlightenment – by following your own path.
That was exactly what I needed to hear, it lead me to the inspiration to share this with you now.
That’s all…
No complicated strategies or reading more books, doing more courses.
I just allow myself to be me, and follow my passion (write) and sharing what inspired me.
That’s what following your Purpose is all about!
Listening to your own inspiration, your inner being taking charge again of your life.
Knowing you are exactly where you need to be, and you are the right person for the job!!
Nobody outside of you is going to be better at doing your Soul’s work than you.
You are here with a Mission, a Purpose and you have everything you will ever need inside of you.
Want to Fire up that inner confidence and be more aligned with your Magic.
Recently I started to record weekly sessions of Bring the Magic LIVE here on my Youtube channel.
You will be magically aligned again too… like in this example.
The last episode is about Giving yourself permission to BE ALL OF YOU!! Check it out below