The world is changing immensely right now. The world is coming to an end… at least the world as we knew it no longer exists and it can be a frightening thing to discover. OMG, what are we going to do now? Well, it’s actually an opportunity for us to create a new world together. …
Consciously create your life – 3 most important choice making tools
If you don’t know where you’re going, you will never get there. It is so important to know where you want to go with your life, to take charge and make the choices necessary to get there. Life can come in the way and just lead you along the path that you are already on. …
How to manifest what you want – stop wishing and trying
We all have desires and wishes we would like to manifest, yet they won’t come in to our lives. For you it might be that great partner, a new car or a new house or more abundance. Manifesting anything has a lot to do with the words you use while talking about your desires. In …