When you are searching for a retreat or a group vacation, why should you choose a retreat and what are the benefits of a spiritual retreat. This blog is written especially for you when you are thinking about the next time you are going somewhere. Will a spiritual retreat be something you would consider. After …
Figure it out yourself or get guidance?
I don’t know about you but the way I like to learn new things is first figure it out myself. You might have had moments like this. A friend introduces you to something new and you say something like; mwah… we’ll see. As you go home, you start investigating it, but in your own way. …
These 5 words changed my life forever – hearing my spiritual calling
She said You are a Spiritual Teacher and I knew it in every cell of my body. These 5 words changed my life forever. It was 2016 and it was in the Summer right after I had finished publishing my first book. I watched an inspirational speech of Gabrielle Bernstein and towards the end of …