When you are searching for a retreat or a group vacation, why should you choose a retreat and what are the benefits of a spiritual retreat. This blog is written especially for you when you are thinking about the next time you are going somewhere. Will a spiritual retreat be something you would consider. After …
Soul Travel
The world needs your authentic gift – here’s why!
The world is a wonderful place and is very self-sufficient. In many ways, it is independent of the people that live on her. But the earth is also going through a transition phase right now. She is moving into a higher frequency where peace, love and harmony will be our new centre. Where there is …
What’s a spiritual awakening and how to have one
In this time a lot of people are exploring their spirituality and like you are on a path that is still vague and mostly unknown. There is so much information out there, yet there is little that you can really understand. Once you have had a spiritual awakening you will know. Or step by step …
My transformation Summer story – Spirit Junkie Masterclass results
It was the Summer of 2017 I had been working as a Nanny all year, because my spiritual life coaching business wasn’t going so well by itself. I saw myself trying and failing one too many times and the feeling of quitting my coaching business was coming closer every time I felt it wasn’t working …
Transform your life this Summer 2019 – 3 golden rules
Would that be something you would like? Totally changing your life and business over this summer? Where you will be guided towards Bigger and Better. Having the courage and the skills to build your dream and making sure everything is in place for the years to come? Creating with the Universe as your guide and …
These 5 words changed my life forever – hearing my spiritual calling
She said You are a Spiritual Teacher and I knew it in every cell of my body. These 5 words changed my life forever. It was 2016 and it was in the Summer right after I had finished publishing my first book. I watched an inspirational speech of Gabrielle Bernstein and towards the end of …
How to soul travel – the deep dive into yourself
You may have been curious about what soul travel actually means and how to soul travel yourself. There are many ways in which you can discover the depth of your soul. Sometimes it even happens involuntarily. But there are deliberate things you can do to take a deep dive into yourself and meet your Soul. …
What is a spiritual journey – spiritual practice that benefits your future
You can read about it all over the internet – people talk about it. There is so much to do nowadays about people that are focused on their spiritual development, and talk about a spiritual journey. But what is a spiritual journey and how can that benefit your past, present and future? Here is a …
Top 3 most spiritual travel destinations
According to a lot of people the spiritual center of the earth changed, from being in the Himalaya for the past 13000 years, to the Andes in Peru since 2012. That makes Cusco, also known as ‘the navel of the world’ the epic center of the spiritual world right now. That magical pull of the …
About Ananda Soul Travel
Welcome to Ananda Soul Travel – find your place in this world. My name is Nanda Berwers and I am the founder and creator of Ananda Soul Travel. A platform for young soul travelers to guide them into the life they were born to live. Everyone comes to this earth with a special mission and …